Magazine Mindful Mavericks

From Rock Bottom To The Top of The World

Baya Rouzoul-Salmon:

From Rock Bottom to the Top of the World

Baya Rouzoul-Salmon:

From Rock Bottom to the Top of the World

Last year, the country I lived in made a decision that had my life crash all around me. Bad luck, I hear you cry!

No, my dears, Good Luck!

As I grappled with the implications, I did fall into a deep hole of darkness and fear. I felt very lost and frightened but soon, an amazing opportunity came my way that helped me see the light.  I really had nothing left to fear because I had nothing left to lose, so I accepted this amazing concierge job in the South of France. The owners wanted me to stay but deep down I knew my truth was calling.

This. Still not the dream.

I had created Dreamweavers in my head years before. A house with an acre of land, on top of a hill, four bedrooms, a big kitchen for wonderful meals and a large workshop space. Chickens, goats, a cat and my own little dog completed the picture. A place to host workshops, retreats, make and share lovely food, rest, play, the works. But there was no way I could afford the dream in the country where I lived.

So, thank you Universe for causing me so much heartache in my country of origin! Good luck indeed!

I had to bite into my bitter fear, find the courage, sell up everything I owned and decided to move to the Republic of Ireland. A magic place where I could buy not only the house and the land but also the hill!

Four weeks ago, my fear and I crossed the Celtic Sea and walked right into my dream! Yes, we were really scared and to be honest, I still am but I learnt during this time that fear can be my best friend. Here is why!

Fear told me “It’s too late, you are too old, you foolish woman.” I realized that she was only trying to help me. She was frightened for me! The more I shouted at her, the bigger she got. Once I started talking to her kindly, acknowledging her and thanking her for her help, she started shrinking to manageable proportions.

Fear told me “You are so stressed.” I quickly learnt to flip this dialogue and now reply to fear, “I choose to call this feeling stretched, not stressed.” The more you call stress stress, the more stressful it all becomes. Time after time I was given ways to practice being courageous, I had to learn how to use a broker to transfer money from one country to another, that took courage. I had to find a home in another country, that took courage.  I had to sell everything I owned and leave where I called home to move to a place where I knew no one, that took courage. I was absolutely terrified and my brain hurt, but I kept saying “I am feeling stretched” and it kept me calm and in control. I did it all with courage.

Fear told me not to trust anyone. She would scream “Stranger, danger!” I had to accept the kindness of strangers otherwise, I would never have made it. So grateful for the lovely cups of tea, for the people who helped me move, for the guy who came straight away to plumb in the washing machine. Gratitude helps with fear!

So, if you are not happy where you live. If your dreams shrivel there, I challenge you to dare to move. No, you are not “running away”, you are running forward, forward towards the woman you will become who is awaiting you, her arms wide open.  The time is now to weave your dreams into reality and all it really takes is a little courage and a big dream.

Courageous Action:

1) What dream have you been weaving for a while and how could you take a simple step towards bringing that dream to life?

2) When you think about that dream, what fears come up?  Write down all the fears that are starting to show up as you dive into saying yes to your dreams and then start a dialogue with those fears, just as I did, they will diminish the more you seek to understand why they are speaking up.

3) Write down all the ways you are grateful and specifically grateful as you lean into taking courageous action and moving beyond fear.  Because #Gratitudehelpsyoufaceyourfear.

As you take courageous action we invite you to share your Story of Courage, whatever that may be using the hashtag #storiesofcourage. Want more support in getting your brave on and sharing your story, check out

Baya Rouzoul-Salmon is an elder trained in the Celtic Shamanic Tradition, a story teller and an Energy Master Practitioner. She runs workshops and retreats from her Irish home, Dreamweavers. She is a Courage Collective Leader for the Republic of Ireland. For further information, contact her at via email or on her Facebook Page:

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