This Week in Mischief-Making…
Have you ever felt like all the medications you’re taking have a hold on you….or that they are part of the problem with all the symptoms you’re having?
Most of us go to a doctor’s office only to sit and wait endlessly for an appointment that only lasts 5-15 minutes. In that time, the doctor quickly assesses your symptoms and writes a prescription for one or more pills to “help” you feel better.
The stronghold that pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies and the conventional medical system has on our lives is noticeable these days.
It’s a frustrating system that doesn’t often work and with the rising costs of healthcare, taking charge of your health and staying out of the doctor’s office can go a long way to not only saving money but to having more energy, better focus and being more productive in your business.
As we go into part two (our second issue) on people who are changing the face of healthcare and the wellness industry, I want you to to keep in mind that your health is your wealth. Taking charge of your health care is really important to your business; in fact, it’s integral to being able to make it a success.
And in this month’s issue, you’ll learn how to do key things that will boost your health, energy and clarity. Don’t miss Dr. Kelly Brogan’s raw and heartfelt interview on how she transformed her health practice and took on Big Pharma. Her Vital Mind Reset program has changed the lives of tens of thousands of women. She teaches you how to calm your body and clear your mind and who doesn’t need a large helping of that?!?
You’ll also love Longevity and Optimal Health Practitioner, Jason Prall’s, take on the wellness industry, Dr. Sagie’s amazing and simple bedwetting solution for little ones (it changed our world!) and more from powerhouse health and wellness industry experts like Chris Wark, Jon Gabriel, Robyn Openshaw and Michael Roesslein. Plus, more advice from the business experts on how to build your brand and your business.
And if you didn’t notice it last month, we have a new regular column called The Courage Corner. Make sure to check it out! And starting October, we’ll be featuring podcasts hosted by Mindful Mavericks worldwide.
Lots of exciting things going on around here at Mindful Mavericks – including the fact that I’m in Italy this very second creating a special mastermind for Mindful Mavericks for 2018! So stay tuned…
Mischiefly yours,

This Week in Mischief-Making…
Have you ever felt like all the medications you’re taking have a hold on you….or that they are part of the problem with all the symptoms you’re having?
Most of us go to a doctor’s office only to sit and wait endlessly for an appointment that only lasts 5-15 minutes. In that time, the doctor quickly assesses your symptoms and writes a prescription for one or more pills to “help” you feel better.
The stronghold that pharmaceutical companies and the conventional medical system has on our lives is noticeable these days.
It’s a frustrating system that doesn’t often work and with the rising costs of healthcare, taking charge of your health and staying out of the doctor’s office can go a long way to not only saving money but to having more energy, better focus and being more productive in your business.
As we go into part two (our second issue) on people who are changing the face of healthcare and the wellness industry, I want you to to keep in mind that your health is your wealth. Taking charge of your health care is really important to your business; in fact, it’s integral to being able to make it a success.
And in this month’s issue, you’ll learn how to do key things that will boost your health, energy and clarity. Don’t miss Dr. Kelly Brogan’s raw and heartfelt interview on how she transformed her health practice and took on Big Pharma. Her Vital Mind Reset program has changed the lives of tens of thousands of women. She teaches you how to calm your body and clear your mind and who doesn’t need a large helping of that?!?
You’ll also love Longevity and Optimal Health Practitioner, Jason Prall’s, take on the wellness industry, Dr. Sagie’s amazing and simple bedwetting solution for little ones (it changed our world!) and more from powerhouse health and wellness industry experts like Chris Wark, Jon Gabriel, Robyn Openshaw and Michael Roesslein. Plus, more advice from the business experts on how to build your brand and your business.
And if you didn’t notice it last month, we have a new regular column called The Courage Corner. Make sure to check it out! And starting October, we’ll be featuring podcasts hosted by Mindful Mavericks worldwide.
Lots of exciting things going on around here at Mindful Mavericks – including the fact that I’m in Italy this very second creating a special mastermind for Mindful Mavericks for 2018! So stay tuned…
Mischiefly yours,
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